Thursday, March 5, 2009


feel nausea with the title above? i'm sick of the title too..haha..sje je ltak title mcm getik sket..
jz wanna tell u about my feeling rite now..urm...1st time met each other..still feel shy, nothing to talk about..cover2 gitu..2nd week..dh mula nmpk tanduk sket..n get to noe each other better..3rd week no shy at the time pass by, u wil feel comfortable wth each other..n can laugh that's what i feel rite now. i start knowing her with zero, but as time pass by, i realize that i get to noe her better..n can become besfren i.allah..
luv u all my frenz..
(entry kali ni mcm xda subjek..xda matlamat..xda sori kalo sape2 baca n ta paham k..)
may Allah bless our relationship, frenz..

p/s..there's someone who always 'kenakn' me..owh..really make me angry..pas kenakn bley plak ketawa..owh..geram..n yesterday..i really can't control my kemarahan, lasly i punch dia kt lengan..serve tangan org yg sakit las2, lengan dia keras mcm kayu..hee..sorry ya fren 4 that punch!


hana keiichan said...

err..her or him??

fairuz,awk da di tag oleh sy..visit my page ok..buat jgn x buat!

...::fAi::... said...

erk..him or her? no comment..huhu